My entry for #PaintForChange Digital art competition 2023 organized by International Committee of the Red Cross Pakistan #ICRC #Pakistan ;
Theme: Food Insecurity​​​​​​​
We are living in a cursed world where people don't even get access to the most basic necessities of humans, food. In our region, Pakistan almost half of a population earn so that they can afford a meal or two for survival.
Food insecurity is a pervasive global issue that affects millions of individuals and communities worldwide. It refers to the lack of access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to maintain an active and healthy life. This complex problem arises due to a combination of social, economic, political, and environmental factors that hinder people's ability to acquire and consume an adequate diet.
One of the primary causes of food insecurity is poverty. Many individuals and families struggle to afford nutritious food due to limited financial resources. In developing countries, a large proportion of the population lives in poverty, making them more susceptible to food insecurity.
The national nutrition survey 2018 showed that 36.9 percent of the population faces food insecurity. Not just that, According to World Food Program, One fifth of the population is undernourished in Pakistan.

The Last Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said:
"The best of you are those who feed others."
   - Musnad Ahmad 23408​​​​​​​

Poem: The Rain -W.H. Davis
LinkedIn: linkedin/in/rareroshaan
Food Insecurity


Food Insecurity
